Are you worried that your ideas or work will be stolen and worse, used as someone else's financial gain?
It happens and can happen to you. That's why it's important to think about copyright protection. You can learn more about this topic on November 1 at the "Copyright Law in Real Life" forum, hosted by Triangle Artworks. It's part of the organization's Law+ Artworks sessions.
The event will be moderated by our very own intellectual property attorney Erica Rogers. It features copyright lawyer Pamela Chestek and John Pugh, the owner of House of Swank who recently discovered that one of his original designs was reproduced, then sold by a major retailer.
Organizers say to bring your "curiosity and your questions as they discuss improper copying and what to do about it, from both the business and legal perspective."
The program starts at 6:30 p.m. at The Frontier RTP. Tickets cost $8.65, fee included. Space is limited, so register now.