For many people, discussing money issues can be a tough conservation.
But there are some ways to make it less taboo and awkward. You can learn more about how to broach the subject of money on Thursday, November 5. The Wilmington Chamber of Commerce is hosting a webinar, sponsored in part by Ward and Smith, on "How to Have Difficult Conversations."
The Wilmington Chamber of Commerce developed these programs in response to the feedback they received from their Annual Women’s Professional Development event earlier this year. They offer the event on November 5 as the first installment of a 3-part workshop series about how to have difficult conversations on money, race, and mental health.
The first workshop will focus on how to have conversations about money. Speakers will share their own stories of success, failure, perseverance, and the strategies they use to manage conversations about this difficult subject. Panelists include Sandy Spiers, Middle Market Manager at SunTrust (now Truist); Jason Wheeler, CEO & Wealth Advisor with Pathfinder Wealth Consulting; and Parker Wilson, Founder of Sparked Consulting
The webinar is open to Chamber members. Register here.