Media Mention: Angela Doughty Discusses the Impact of Generative AI on the Legal Profession

Angela Doughty, CIPP/US, AIGP

Angela Doughty, CIPP/US, AIGP, recently spoke to South Carolina Lawyers Weekly about generative AI's impact on the legal field.

Her insights graced the article "Generative AI reshapes legal profession from Top to Bottom," which delves into how this tech transforms the industry.

Angela, a recently certified AI Goverance Professional (AIGP) and privacy expert, began by addressing the significant changes AI brings to legal research and document drafting. From the article:

“Generative AI is implementing the creative component of human intelligence that we haven’t historically seen before,” she said. “Unlike a human who must actually experience an event or occurrence or talk to somebody who has experienced it in order to describe it, GAI can quickly tap into vast reserves of information about that particular experience and create a narrative that a human would never be able to do as fast.”

She also further highlighted the benefits of AI doing minor tasks.

“For presentations, I’ll put in what the topic is, the presentation’s length, a description of our audience, and sometimes I ask it to give me images,” she said. “Using it in this way saves me a substantial amount of time on tasks not client-related.”

Angela also addresses concerns about AI replacing jobs. Explore her insights in the full article.


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