Media Mention: Brittany Dail Talks About Volunteering with her Dog to Help Others

Brittany DailGreenville paralegal Brittany Dail's passion for helping others goes far beyond those with two legs. Dail spoke to about working with her Great Dane named Hamilton to spread some cheer to people in need.

From the article:

Brittany Dail is a 33-year-old paralegal living in Ayden who loves her dog Hamilton, a 6-year-old Great Dane who is deaf and visually impaired. They provide therapy for patients at Vidant Medical Center and other locations.

How did you and Hamilton come to be?

I do Great Dane rescue and adopted (Hamilton’s brother) and Hamilton when they were about 6 weeks old.

How did you get started doing therapy with Hamilton?

I started doing therapy with Hamilton’s brother in March of 2014 and after a couple of months his vision got worse so I stopped doing therapy with him and started doing it with Hamilton, and I think Hamilton actually enjoys it a little bit more.

What is your experience like bringing Hamilton to the hospital to visit patients?

You know, you have bad day and you go see a patient and you stop and think you don’t have problems. My bad day at work means nothing compared to some of the stuff that these patients face with cancer and other illnesses. There’s some patients that just kind of touch you. It has been absolutely the most rewarding thing that I’ve ever done.

Click here to see pictures and video of Brittany and Hamilton.

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