Ward and Smith Achieves Digital Transformation with Fliplet, Charles Collins Speaks on Success

Charles Collins

Ward and Smith found an ideal remedy to optimize their company operations and performance while staying in tune with the ever-evolving user needs.

Leveraging Fliplet's no-coding, user-friendly design, and integrated features, the firm was quickly able to create a company directory app, affording both attorneys and staff on-the-go access to up-to-date contact information without sacrificing quality.

This achievement was celebrated by Fliplet with a case study featuring Charles Collins, Ward and Smith's Director of Information Technology. In the Fliplet interview, he highlighted the positive effects of the digital platform and spoke about future uses. Here are some notable answers from the Q&A:

Why was having a directory app so important to your firm? 

Initially, it was meant to provide simple contact information, cell phone numbers, work numbers, and email addresses. It has now since expanded, especially as the pandemic pushed us all to begin working more remotely, it has expanded to provide as much information about their co-workers as it can, as far as whether they are in a meeting; whether they are on the phone; whether they're busy; or, available access to their office location, their practice section, and who their supervisor, for not just our attorneys but all of our staff. It has provided a really quick and easy way for them to stay in touch and get that contact information for everybody worldwide. 

What benefits have Ward and Smith received from Fliplet?

The biggest benefit that we've gained from Fliplet is the ability to quickly turn around solutions for our firm. We have had several scenarios where various practice sections come to us with a challenge that we're able to turn around and provide them with a solution very quickly. One great example is one we just recently completed for our litigation section. They are currently working on a major case throughout the U.S. dealing with Camp Lejeune and injury claims. They came to us with requirements to create a method for us to collect the data from our clients that can then be used to automate several other processes throughout the firm. We very quickly realized that the best solution for that would be using Fliplet. Based on their requirements and what they asked us to do, we were able to quickly turn around a prototype for them and very quickly get them to the point where they had the solution in their hands that they could disseminate to their clients much sooner than we would have been able to do if we had to do that all by scratch. 

How did Ward and Smith manage their security and data?

As we've leveraged Fliplet, as we've continued to grow with the product and understand what it's capable of, we have focused more on client-facing products or projects that do necessarily or potentially deal with more sensitive data. As we've done that, I think we have really leveraged our customer service rep with Fliplet, as well as Fliplet support, to have them help us understand the security behind the product. And not just that, but to help us understand the capabilities we have within Fliplet to ensure that the data that we're either providing to our clients or we're asking from our clients is secured, is in safe hands, and is encrypted and provides us with secure and safe methods to then ingest that information out of the app and push it into our products throughout the firm.

You can watch Fliplet's full interview with Charles Collins for free by registering through the following link: Fliplet Case Study: Ward and Smith.

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