Attorney Mike McIntyre will be a speaker at the North Carolina Beach, Intel, and Waterways Association's (NCBIWA) 2022 Spring Local Governments Meeting.
The program features six-themed sessions split into two days, covering various topics such as state and federal legislative and policy updates, funding opportunities, coastal flooding challenges, new technologies, coastal partners, and protecting the coast.
Mike's presentation takes place during the second session on funding opportunities and will focus on protecting and promoting the economic engine and environmental treasure. You can view the full agenda here.
The Spring Meeting runs from May 5 - 6 at The Islander Hotel in Emerald Isle. Click here to register.
NCBIWA is a non-profit dedicated to working on behalf of North Carolina’s coast, and those who love it, by seeking to encourage government action and funding, educate and advocate for effective Federal and State policy, and facilitate environmentally sound scientific and engineering solutions for our threatened beaches, inlets and waterways.